After a very long winter, it was a pleasure to escape for a long weekend to sunny Arizona. Lake Havasu is my new favorite place to enjoy warmth and water. My hotel, The Nautical Beachfront Resort is right on the lake and from the balcony of my room I was entertained nonstop by a constant array of boats and people watching. The Naked Turtle Bar was just a few steps away and is a favorite of locals. The reason for my visit was to see Broadway's Best at Grace Arts Live, produced and directed by my friend Eric Kunze. The days were filled with sun and fun and my evenings with music and friends. An old girlfriend, Annette, drove in from Phoenix to see the show with me and I had organized a fanclub dinner before the Saturday show at a local restaurant. We enjoyed seeing the show together and visiting with Eric and Gina afterward. This was the best Eric visit yet and I look forward to returning some time in the future!