Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dames at Sea, Day One: Arrival in Rome

Going on a trip entails a lot of preparation to make sure everything at work and at home is running smoothly while you are gone.  We both slept very little the night before and neither of us slept on the plane from Detroit to Amsterdam and then on to Rome.  So we arrived at the Rose Garden Palace in a daze.  Our room wasn't ready at 10am, so we waited in the elegant lobby and were served cappucchino while we waited.  The views from our windows were worth the wait.  We weren't in Kansas anymore.  My room actually faced the American Embassy and I could see the security guards carefully checking under cars with long-handled mirrors before being granted them admittance.  Later in the day I took a photo of the security gate but was sternly forbidden by the guard and I don't dare post the photo.


After taking a nap, we had our first dinner at a restaurant recommended by the hotel, a short walk away.  It felt surreal as we walked to LaGlara. We were in Rome!  The next morning we had nice strong coffee and breakfast in the hotel in their lovely garden room.


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